Person holding palm of hand in pain

Most Effective Treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a distressing medical condition that can significantly impact quality of life. At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, we know all too well this suffering nerve pain brings and are committed to providing our patients with the most effective treatments. Contact us now for a definitive diagnosis and a meaningful discussion of your…

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older patient looking over musculoskeletal issue with doctor.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy and What Causes it?

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy (aka neuropathy) are varied and often puzzling. They may involve strange prickling or tingling sensations, sharp sudden pain, extreme sensitivity to touch, or numbness. No wonder they can be disturbing or frightening to those who experience them. If you have been diagnosed with neuropathy, it is important to have a…

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Female patient visiting her physiatrist.

Solving the Mysteries of Neuropathy

Being diagnosed with neuropathy (literally “nerve disease”) can be distressing, but experiencing your first symptom of the disorder can be downright frightening. Take the story of a patient who became terrified while swimming in the shallow end of a pool. She had suddenly lost feeling in her feet and therefore felt stranded in a bottomless…

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