At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, where our doctors focus on relieving pain without surgery, one of our most successful complementary treatment options is acupuncture. If you have never seriously considered acupuncture for chronic back pain or other musculoskeletal problems, or if you have often wondered whether those who rave about it are onto something, now may well be the time to find out.
Acupuncture, Long Island NY
Pain, particularly back pain, is one of the primary reasons patients seek medical care. At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, our practice is integrative and holistic, offering a broad range of nonsurgical treatments, both traditional and complementary, for back pain and the inflammation that is often its underlying cause. We are well-trained in every type of therapy or procedure we offer. As a matter of fact, our physicians have pursued advanced training in acupuncture and complementary medicine at Harvard Medical School.
In the same vein, our highly skilled acupuncturists are experts in several types of acupuncture, including the unique Pulse Diagnosis style of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture and Acupuncture Physical Medicine with trigger point release techniques. We have been successfully administering this treatment for years, and find it especially effective for patients whose back or other musculoskeletal pain have been unresponsive to oral medications, targeted injections, physical therapy, and, in some cases even surgical procedures.
The Basics
Acupuncture has been practiced in China and other parts of Asia for thousands of years. It is based on the principle that when Qi, the major energy source that courses through the body, is disrupted, pain and disease result.
Qi normally flows along meridians, pathways that have been carefully charted over centuries, and along these meridians, there are more than 2,000 points at which Qi energy may be interrupted or, through acupuncture, unblocked. In addition, a number of acupuncture points are located outside of these meridians. There are also known as “A-shi” points. Though not charted, they have discovered through examination as tender or reflexive pain points on the body.
How It Works
The acupuncture treatment itself involves the insertion of tiny needles, slender as strands of hair, at some of the points described above. These needles (usually about 20) remain in their designated spots for up to 20 minutes. It should be noted that the needles are so small that they remove no tissue when they are removed.
Far from being a painful procedure, acupuncture is relaxing; many patients doze during sessions. While patients often feel greatly improved after a treatment, for full efficacy at least 12 treatments are usually necessary for best results.
Acupuncture Is Now Accepted by Western Medicine as an Effective Mode of Treatment
Acupuncture has provided relief to millions of people in Asia for thousands of years, but Western medicine has been suspicious of the treatment until recent times. Even though a surgeon in the United States Navy reported being treated by an acupuncturist for lower back pain as far back as 1826, it has taken another 150 years for the United States to begin to accept the validity of this type of therapy.
Now, in the 21st century, more than 20 studies have demonstrated that acupuncture is more effective in providing short-term relief from chronic back pain than standard treatments. The following organizations now recommend that doctors consider acupuncture as a productive alternative therapy for patients with chronic low-back and/or other conditions:
- American Pain Society
- American College of Physicians
- United States National Institutes of Health (NIH
- National Health Service of the United Kingdom
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
All of these organizations now support the use of acupuncture in cases in which more traditional methods fail to provide alleviation of pain. We offer these services at our Great Neck, East Meadow, and Huntington locations.
How Western Medicine Explains the Help Acupuncture Provides
While for many patients, the principles on which acupuncture is based are no more mysterious than those surrounding MRI testing, DNA replacement, or radiation of kidney stones, Western doctors had to find explanations for acupuncture that synced with their understanding of physiology. They have now concluded that acupuncture:
- Stimulates the central nervous system, triggering the release of endorphins
- Speeds the relay of electromagnetic signals, releasing immune system cells
- Triggers the release of natural opioids that act as analgesics
- Changes brain chemistry by altering the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones
Understanding the reasons for acupuncture’s success as a treatment is enlightening and important. Feeling the relief it provides is even better.
Is It Worth Getting Acupuncture?
At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, our doctors are physiatrists, committed to pain management and restoration of function by nonsurgical means. Being able to offer the option to our patients is invaluable since this treatment has many advantages over more conventional medications and procedures, including:
- Acupuncture doesn’t carry the risks of other, more invasive surgical procedures
- In the U.S., only sealed, sterile, one-time-use needles are used
- Treatment sessions are short and require no downtime
- It does not involve discomfort
- Medicare and many private insurance companies now cover treatments
- Many patients are helped by acupuncture who haven’t been helped by other therapies
As you can see, treatments offer a number of benefits in terms of convenience, cost, comfort, and safety. You can speak to your doctor about acupuncture at our offices in Great Neck, East Meadow, and Huntington.
What Conditions Can Be Treated With Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, a practice with roots dating back thousands of years in Asia, has evolved to become a valuable treatment option for a wide range of conditions, particularly those involving pain and discomfort. At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, our experienced acupuncturists are well-versed in several types of acupuncture techniques, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture and Acupuncture Physical Medicine with trigger point release techniques. Acupuncture has proven to be especially effective for patients whose musculoskeletal pain has been unresponsive to other treatments such as oral medications, injections, physical therapy, and even surgical procedures.
Conditions that can often benefit from acupuncture include:
- Chronic back pain
- Neck pain
- Knee pain
- Joint pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Various types of musculoskeletal pain
- Post-operative pain
How Quickly Will Acupuncture Help?
The speed at which acupuncture provides relief can vary from person to person and depends on the nature and severity of the condition being treated. While some individuals experience immediate improvement after just a few acupuncture sessions, others may require a more extended treatment plan. Acupuncture’s effectiveness is cumulative, with the full benefits typically realized after a series of treatments.
The duration of treatment varies based on individual needs, but to achieve optimal results, it is often recommended to undergo a series of at least 12 acupuncture sessions. During your initial consultation at Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, our skilled acupuncturists will evaluate your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Are There Side Effects of Acupuncture?
One of the notable advantages of acupuncture is its safety and minimal risk of side effects. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles, similar in size to strands of hair, into specific acupuncture points on the body. These needles typically remain in place for up to 20 minutes. Importantly, acupuncture needles are so fine that they do not remove any tissue when they are withdrawn, making the procedure virtually painless.
During acupuncture sessions, many patients find the experience to be deeply relaxing, and some even doze off. The most common side effects of acupuncture are mild and temporary, such as slight bruising or redness at the needle insertion points. Serious adverse effects are exceptionally rare when performed by a trained and qualified acupuncturist.
Acupuncture has gained acceptance in Western medicine as a safe and effective complementary therapy, with various organizations and medical institutions endorsing its use for conditions such as chronic back pain and more. If you are hesitant about acupuncture, our doctors in Great Neck, East Meadow, and Huntington can help find the right solution for your pain.
Is Acupuncture the Right Choice for You? Contact Our Experienced Doctors to Find Out
If you have tried a variety of methods to ease your back pain and nothing has worked so far, or if you are eager to avoid other conventional procedures as well as surgery, acupuncture may be precisely what you’re looking for. Contact Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine to discuss your options with our doctors, who are as compassionate as they are skilled.
Our doctors are equipped to help you find pain relief using acupuncture throughout Long Island, NY. We have several locations open in Great Neck, East Meadow, and Huntington, including additional locations in Lawrence and Lindenhurst..