Knee pain is a common and often debilitating condition, affecting countless individuals, impacting not only their mobility but their quality of life. At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, our doctors, all exceptionally well-trained physiatrists, are focused on providing our patients with effective pain relief and restoration of function through nonsurgical means. One method of treatment we have found to be highly successful in dealing with knee pain is acupuncture.

Acupuncture fits well into our holistic approach to medicine. This ancient practice, steeped in tradition yet validated by modern research, offers a promising avenue for those seeking relief from various forms of knee pain. For years, we have been using both traditional and complementary therapeutic methods with an impressive record of success. 

The History of Acupuncture

A cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture dates back over 2,000 years. Although this healing technique has withstood the test of time, it has taken millennia for Western medicine to fully accept its remarkable ability to reduce inflammation and pain and accelerate healing. Now, however, acupuncture is a well-respected form of treatment, recognized by a great many prestigious national and international medical organizations, including the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Concept Behind Acupuncture

Acupuncture is based on the principle of Qi (chi), a vital energy that circulates through the body along pathways known as meridians. Health issues, including pain, are thought to arise from disruptions or imbalances in Qi. By inserting fine needles into specific acupuncture points along these meridians, acupuncture restores the free flow of Qi, reactivating the body’s natural ability to heal.

Acupuncture in Practice

During an acupuncture session, our skilled practitioners carefully insert hair-thin needles into points on the body that have been precisely predetermined through centuries of exploration and application. These points are meticulously chosen based on the specific type of knee pain and its underlying causes. The depth, angle, and duration of needle insertion are tailored to each patient’s unique condition, ensuring maximum therapeutic benefit.

Acupuncture is a safe and comfortable procedure. Our experienced doctors use extremely slender, sterile, single-use needles which are disposed of after each use. For the vast majority of patients, the insertion of the needles is barely felt and once they are in place patients are completely relaxed. Many of our patients doze during acupuncture sessions that usually last about 15 to 20 minutes.

The Broad Range of Knee Problems Acupuncture Successfully Treats 

Acupuncture has shown significant promise in managing the pain associated with:

  • Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the knee by reducing inflammation, improving local circulation, and alleviating joint stiffness and pain.
  • Runner’s knee (patellofemoral pain syndrome), a condition common among athletes 

and other active individuals, is often the result of overuse or misalignment of the kneecap. Acupuncture effectively relieves the pain associated with a runner’s knee by restoring balance and function in the knee joint.

  • Meniscus tears when mild can sometimes heal on their own with home remedies and acupuncture. Even if a severe tear requires surgical intervention, acupuncture may decrease the pain and duration of recovery by enhancing blood flow to the affected area, reducing inflammation, and facilitating healing.
  • Fractures and postsurgical pain, even after a knee replacement, can heal more rapidly with acupuncture and keep patients more comfortable as they recover. Research indicates that acupuncture reduces pain levels so that patients require lower levels of opioids, especially in the immediate postoperative period.
  • Infections and inflammatory conditions like bursitis can also be positively impacted by acupuncture since this therapy aids in pain reduction, decreases swelling, and enhances the body’s immune response.
  • ACL injuries (sprains of the anterior cruciate ligament) are common in athletes and amateurs alike and are known to be painful and disabling. Acupuncture can play a crucial role in the overall rehabilitation process, helping patients regain strength and mobility more efficiently.

Our Medical Team Pulls Out All the Stops To Make You More Comfortable

At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, we are an open-minded, innovative bunch of physicians who routinely use more than one type of therapy to bring maximum relief to our patients. If you come to us with knee pain, we will carefully evaluate the nature of your problem and any pre-existing conditions you may have before determining which combination of therapies will be most helpful to you. We will also consider your personal preferences. 

As your partners in healing, we may use one or more of the following treatments in combination with acupuncture to help you regain your comfort, strength,  and flexibility:

Contact Our Experienced Knee Pain Specialists Today

As you can see, acupuncture is a valuable treatment for knee pain and we are positioned to offer you other accompanying therapies as well. Our doctors want nothing more than to help you get back in the game and return to your active lifestyle. Contact us now to see what a difference working with a professionally trained acupuncturist can make in restoring your vitality.