Physical therapist bending the knee of a male patient

Can Physical Therapy Help Recovery After a Broken Bone?

Recovering from a broken bone can be a challenge, requiring patience and targeted rehabilitation. At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, we understand the critical role of holistic, non-surgical treatments in healing and restoring function. Our talented physical therapy (PT) department, well-known across Nassau and Suffolk Counties, specializes in aiding patients through their recovery from bone fractures, including those necessitating surgery. 

How Physical Therapy Aids in Recovery From Bone Fractures

At all five of our offices, we examine patients carefully, to determine which types of physical therapy will keep them from excessive stiffness while casted and which exercises will best help them to regain mobility once their bone has knitted. Each of our many customized exercises is designed with one or more specific purposes, including:

Decreasing Inflammation and Swelling

Physical therapy techniques, including lymphatic drainage and gentle exercises, can help reduce the inflammation and swelling that commonly occur after a fracture. This improves blood flow to the injured site to accelerate healing.

Reducing Pain

Pain management is paramount in recovering from a broken bone. Physical therapy techniques, including gentle exercises, manual therapy, and modalities like hot and cold therapy, can significantly reduce pain levels, reducing the need for medication.

Increasing Range of Motion

After a fracture, the immobilization necessary for bone healing leads to stiffness and reduced mobility. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in restoring range of motion by gradually increasing movement in the affected area without overstressing the healing bone.

Muscle Strength

After a bone break, muscle weakness is common since muscles naturally atrophy during immobilization. Our physiatrists use a variety of strength-building exercises to help rebuild muscle strength around the injured area, supporting the healing bone and aiding in recovery.


Flexibility exercises are an essential part of physical therapy post-fracture. These exercises help maintain and improve the elasticity of muscles and tendons around the injured area, which is vital for preventing stiffness and ensuring a full range of motion is regained.

Improved Gait for Lower Extremity Fractures

For fractures in the lower extremities, regaining a normal walking pattern is an important recovery goal. Our physiatrists employ specialized exercises and gait training to help patients achieve a natural, efficient walking pattern, reducing the risk of compensatory injuries.

Overall Function and Mobility

The ultimate goal of physical therapy is to restore the patient’s overall function to pre-injury levels or better. This involves addressing balance, coordination, and general physical health throughout the body. This is where occupational therapy enters the picture since it is designed to help patients return to their daily activities safely and effectively. 

Electrical Stimulation as an Important Part of Physical Therapy

Electrical stimulation can be a valuable part of the rehabilitation process, aiding in muscle strengthening, pain reduction, and the healing process by increasing blood flow to the injured area.

Scar Massage and Mobilization

For fractures that required surgery, scar tissue formation can restrict movement and cause discomfort. Our physiatrists utilize scar massage and mobilization techniques to reduce scar adhesions and improve mobility around the surgical site.

Devices to Aid in Recovery From Broken Bones

The use of devices like braces, casts, canes, crutches, or walkers may be necessary during recovery from a broken bone. Our physiatrists guide patients in the correct use of these aids to ensure they support healing while maintaining as much mobility as possible.

Contact Our PT Specialists Now To Hasten Healing After a Bone Break

Physical therapy offers a comprehensive approach to recovery from a bone fracture since it addresses a wide range of needs from pain relief and strength-building to flexibility and overall mobility. At Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine, we are committed to providing our patients with the best possible care, so we often combine physical therapy with other non-surgical treatments to achieve optimal results. Contact us today to discuss which options will work best for you.