Long Island Spine Rehabilitation is proud to support the 2014 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Light the Night Walk. Cancer waits for nothing – it doesn’t know holidays, birthdays or hard economic times. Every year over 150,000 people are diagnosed and over 50,000 lose their lives to a blood cancer.
The Blumenfeld Family and the Waterman Family have once again joined forces to raise funds to fight and cure these horrendous diseases. Unfortunately, this disease has personally touched our lives and we are walking to honor our son David and in memory of Brian Waterman’s brother Stephen.
David was in great shape and perfectly healthy when out of nowhere he was suddenly and shockingly diagnosed, forever changing his life and that of his three children. Thanks to ground breaking research and the world renowned work of Dr. Brian Drucker, David’s CML is in check with daily medication and he’s back in shape and living an otherwise normal life.
In 2013 the Light the Night NYC walk raised a record breaking $3.9 million for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and we are proud to say that Team Blumenfeld and Waterman from Long Island was part of the reason this accomplishment was possible. Our Friends and Family Team raised $206,882 making us one of the leading teams in NYC! In addition, our team captains took home two Top Fundraiser Awards for NYC.
Please join us for the unforgettable walk on Thursday, September 18th. Further details about the walk and “After” walk will follow.
If you plan to join us please RSVP to Kerrie Harty at kharty@bdg.net or 516 624-1920
If you wish to make a donation, please visit our website at www.teamblumenfeld.com. Or, you can send a check to the attention of Barbara Liotta at 300 Robbins Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 payable to THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY.
Every dollar counts and your support will save lives.
Still Relentless for a cure