Longer Recovery in Repeated Concussions in Children

A new study from Boston’s Children Hospital shows that  children ages 11-22 with a history of prior concussions, especially those with recent or multiple concussions, have prolonged symptoms after another concussion compared to those with a remote or no history of concussions.  On average, children without prior injury took 12 days to recover, while those with…

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Running vs. Walking – Which is Better?

Physicians routinely recommend regular exercise  for health and fitness reasons.  The CDC as well as the American Heart Association recommend an average of 20-30 minutes of moderate intensity sessions per day.  A recent New York Times article discusses running vs. walking,  two of the most common forms of exercise.  Both activities have multiple health benefits, including decreased…

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Can Antibiotics Cure Chronic Back Pain?

A recent article in the European Spine Journal reports that up to 40% of patients with a history of chronic back pain from a herniated disc may find improvement with long term antibiotic therapy.  A double blinded, randomized controlled study evaluated 166 patients with a history of chronic low back pain greater than 6 months…

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Practice Selected as Teaching Rotation for Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine

Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine has been selected by Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine to serve as a clinical rotation for third year medical students.  This rotation will provide Hofstra medical students with a unique opportunity to obtain history taking,  physical examination, and clinical reasoning skills in the assessment of patients with spinal pain and…

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Conservative Care as Effective as Surgery for Symptomatic Meniscal Tear

A new study from the New England Journal of Medicine evaluating patients with symptomatic meniscal tears of the knee and osteoarthritis noted that patients undergoing conservative care did equally well as those who underwent arthroscopic surgery.  An editor for the journal recommended that  “nonoperative treatment is a reasonable first strategy, with surgery reserved for the minority…

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Serial MRI Not Correlated to Prognosis of Spine Conditions

Sciatica is a relatively common condition.  The prognosis in most cases is favorable, with spontaneous resolution of leg pain typically within 8 weeks in the majority of patients.  A recent randomized trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine followed 283 patients treated for sciatica and/or disc herniations who underwent either conservative care or…

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