Glucosamine of No Benefit in Knee Arthritis

Glucosamine has been touted as an alternative treatment that has potential benefits for reducing arthritic knee pain.  A new study published in the the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology studying the effects of glucosamine drinks in patients with symptomatic, mild to moderate knee arthritis showed no significant improvement in degree of pain, cartilage damage, or knee function….

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Football Helmets Don’t Adequately Protect Against Concussions

Awareness of concussions risks from contact sports has grown considerably over recent years.  Recent medical studies have shown potential long term consequences from repetitive head trauma.  In a Bloomberg News article this week, researchers at Brains, Inc., a company focused on the biomechanics of traumatic brain injuries, conducted tests modern football helmets and found that…

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Increased Risk of Back Injuries In Young Athletes

Young athletes have become much more involved in sports, playing on multiple teams during a season and throughout the year.  Specializing in one sport has become more commonplace as well.  A recent study in the Journal of Sports Health featured on NPR found that in most sports, specializing in a single sport led to higher rates of back…

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PEMF Therapy FDA Approved for Migraine Headaches

The FDA announced this week approval for PEMF therapy to treatment migraine headache pain caused with auras.  The device utilizes pulses of electromagnetic (PEMF) energy to the occiput of the brain to help lessen the symptoms from a migraine headache.  This represents a new and non-invasive treatment for millions of people suffering from migraine headaches with auras…

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PEMF Therapy May Improve Shoulder Pain

A recent study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation highlights the potential utility of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy in the treatment of patients with shoulder pain due to shoulder impingement syndrome. In this well-designed placebo controlled study, patients were randomized to three weeks of PEMF treatment vs. placebo, followed by an active shoulder…

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Major Study Reports Acupuncture Helpful for Pain

A nationally recognized study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a leading medical journal, provides the most rigorous evidence to date showing the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating patients suffering from chronic pain.  Researchers reviewed 29 high quality, randomized controlled trials involving almost 18,000 people and investigated the role of acupuncture in the treatment of neck and back pain,…

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No Increased Arthritis Risk with Running

This week’s Health Section of the New York Times reports on the ongoing debate of running and the potential for developing arthritis in the knees.  The commonly held belief that running increases the risk of developing has been refuted in more recent studies, as the article notes.  A potential reason may be found in a new study…

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Is Your SI Joint Causing Your Back Pain?

SI (sacroiliac) joint pain has been often cited as a source of lower back pain.  In the 19th century, the SI joint was often cited as a cause of patient’s lumbar symptomatology.    Given that a patient’s clinical history, physical exam findings, and imaging studies cannot reliable assess SI joint pain, such a diagnosis has been a…

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